
Green: We Don't Unknow

Julian Green (b. 1995)
We Don't Unknow (2022)


Emily Hamilton, voice
Hannah Steinberg, violin
Michael Rosin, piano


‘We Don’t Unknow’ was written and premiered in Duino, Italy during the 2022 IMFA music festival (International Music Festival of the Adriatic). The time that I had spent composing, collaborating, discovering and bonding with everyone during the festival changed my outlook on what it means to be a composer. This feeling of being content and at peace with myself and my competency as a composer seemed to only solidify during my time in Italy. This emotional state of being was never facilitated or fostered in the States, which quickly allowed me to realize the problems that I had been dealing with back at home. ‘We Don’t Unknow’ is a window into my personalized experiences living in an environment founded on support and reinforcement while coming to terms with the crippling uncertainty that still remains back at home.

  • Program Notes, Julian Green


Wallerstein: E and O


Smith: Luce